The majority of ethnic minority residential areas became cheap rents for new immigrants fleeing high inflation and negative economic situations. Many oligarchs tended to buy up property in disadvantaged areas, converting them to cheap shared accommodation suited for low skilled temporary residents. As British folk even if we form a flexible and adaptive lifestyle by day, leisure as a health and wellbeing pursuit at night, and maintain family responsibilities, the minds of certain alternative dual cultural forms of mechanical and irrational behaviours seem to come between West and East of the EU and vice versa. I revert to the basics of the Anglo-Commonwealth Humanist basis. When Continental Europeans have different statutory structures over UK Trade & Compliance this forms regression as not in unity with the basic English soverignity and heritages of the populous. Therefore mirroring how we guide others and trying to control our positive freedom in our liberalised democracy goes against our traditional health and welfare model adapted by Since Charles Atlee and Florence Knightingale. These are values along with our parliament is part of the whole of western European geographical development. In those days, the Anglo-Saxon base was collective to all human beings, with Magna Carta being the central document that created the evolution of the modern bill of rights. Our civil laws still remain globally active from Winchester, which is not fictional memorial social art experiment. The laws of theism, domicile status and native Brition(s) with bonds to Scandinavian and Northern Europe is part of Hume and the enlightenment period. Artificial Intelligence cannot replicate human pride to serve a customer a coffee at his table with happiness. Digital Nomads are on fast track for work, but remote roles are not natural or liberal to the localised heritage, craft, arts & culture to the region. They may sit at hot desk and form remote coding or algorithmic benefits to form fast profits between markets, telephony and digital perfectionism but they cannot make their own cup cake and eat it. If you never kicked a ball or swung a club to begin in real life, then how did you get a Football MBA or Golf Degree? As we were classed back in the day as just English citizens without declaring ethnicity, minority status, or ethnic background based on now census information of social demographics this may form a Disassociation then re-association to some historical ethnic minority past, but that's is not going to be formed by Europeans as we came out of those neighbourhoods four decades ago. If they wish to stereotype and replacing people of colour in established areas with themselves as if our English populous may only be a primary European alliance then that goes against the Commonwealth of 3.4 billion people. Thus modern Britain is about NOT using intellectual interrogations exercises to force your way into areas using historical forms of oppressive intellectual exchanges by pushing us out forming suppressive means and methods to steal our jobs and educational experiences using your own poverty game. At the same time, people of colour should not be asked or judged by over forms of clinical bureaucratic styles as the modern Englishmen is not in a form of British exploratory imperialism to utilise the countries that are in development for its own gains. Some commercialised forms of unnatural behaviours exist about understanding other cultures but is actually an intrusion of their space and culture.
The sands of time are not a holiday for you to live off your companies expense account